So far, no one wants to carry out some European Championships in the year 2013

The European Chess Union (ECU) announces that on the first of July the deadline for filing applications for the tournaments, which will be held in the year 2013 has elapsed. The list of tournaments, for the organization which no applications has been received is quite long:

European Individual Championship
European Individual Women’s Championship
European Senior Championship
European Rapid Chess Championship
European Blitz Championship
European Women’s Rapid Chess Champ.
European Women’s Blitz Championship
European School Team Championship
EU Individual Championship

Application were received mainly for the team tournaments, in particular, the European Club Cup may be held in one of the four cities of Antalya (Turkey), Bilbao (Spain), Rhodes (Greece) and Batumi (Georgia). The management of the ECU will consider and compare the proposals from the respective countries.

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