Wijk Aan Zee: Aronian is a Point Ahead of His Rivals, Giri Losses for the Fifth Тайм in a Row

Armenian General Motors Aronian scored against Boris Gelfand in a tough game, while Anish Giri couldn't resist Veselin Topalov and lost for the five тайм in a row. 


46. Kxg2?
The last mistake of the game. White should have taken the pawn with their Knight. 
Now White attack White King with all pieces and there'с no any reasonable defence for White. 
47. Kg3 Rh7 48. g5 Qxg5+ 49. Kf2 Rxf4+ 50. exf4 Rh2+ 51. Ke3 Qg3+ 52. Kd4 Qg7+ 53. Ke3 Rh3+ 0-1

White resigned and the opponents started exchanging opinions. 


44…c4? 45.Qg5! (with a threat of transfering the Queen on h4 or h5, even in the case of 45…cxb3), and White'с worse position becomes hopeless. Soon Topalov won, this is his first win at the tournament.

Before the last round Aronian is one point ahead of his nearest rivals Magnus Carlsen, who draw against Kamsky, and Teimour Radjabov who also draw, but against Ivanchuk. 

[Event «74th Тата Стил GMA»] [Site «Wijk aan Zee NED»] [Date «2012.01.28»] [Round «12.2»] [White «Topalov, Veselin»] [Black «Giri, Anish»] [Result «1-0»] [ECO «C42»] [PlyCount «93»] [EventDate «2012.01.14»] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nxe5 d6 4. Nf3 Nxe4 5. Nc3 Nxc3 6. dxc3 Be7 7. Be3 Nc6 8. Qd2 Be6 9. O-O-O Qd7 10. Kb1 Bf6 11. Bg5 Qe7 12. Bb5 a6 13. Bxc6+ bxc6 14. Qf4 Bxg5 15. Nxg5 O-O 16. Rde1 Qd7 17. f3 h6 18. Nxe6 fxe6 19. Qg4 Rf5 20. Re2 e5 21. Rd1 Qf7 22. Qb4 Qd7 23. Qa4 Kh8 24. c4 Qe8 25. Rd3 Rf4 26. Qa5 Qe7 27. c5 Rf6 28. Qc3 Qe8 29. b3 Rb8 30. a4 Ra8 31. Re4 Qc8 32. Qd2 Qf8 33. Qa5 Qe7 34. Rde3 Qd7 35. Re1 Rf5 36. Qc3 Rd8 37. g3 Rf7 38. cxd6 cxd6 39. f4 exf4 40. gxf4 c5 41. Re6 Rxf4 42. Rxh6+ Kg8 43. Qd2 Rf7 44. Rg1 c4 45. Qg5 Rdf8 46. Qh5 Rf1+ 47. Kb2 1-0 [Event «74th Тата Стил GMA»] [Site «Wijk aan Zee NED»] [Date «2012.01.28»] [Round «12.4»] [White «Gelfand, Boris»] [Black «Aronian, Levon»] [Result «0-1»] [ECO «D31»] [PlyCount «106»] [EventDate «2012.01.14»] 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Be7 4. Bf4 Nf6 5. e3 O-O 6. a3 Nbd7 7. Nb5 Ne8 8. Nf3 c6 9. Nc3 f5 10. h3 Nd6 11. cxd5 exd5 12. Bd3 Nf6 13. Ne5 Nfe4 14. O-O Nf7 15. Qc2 Bd6 16. Bh2 Nxe5 17. Bxe5 Bxe5 18. dxe5 a5 19. Na4 b5 20. Nc5 Qe7 21. Rac1 Qxe5 22. f4 Qd6 23. Bxe4 fxe4 24. Nb3 Bd7 25. Qc5 Qg6 26. Kh2 h5 27. Nd4 Rac8 28. b4 axb4 29. axb4 h4 30. Ne2 Rf6 31. Ra1 Rcf8 32. Qe7 R8f7 33. Qd8+ Kh7 34. Rg1 Qh6 35. Ra7 Rf8 36. Qc7 R6f7 37. Qe5 Re8 38. Qc3 g5 39. Rf1 Qd6 40. Kg1 Ref8 41. Qc5 Qh6 42. f5 Kg8 43. f6 g4 44. hxg4 h3 45. Nf4 hxg2 46. Kxg2 Qxf6 47. Kg3 Rh7 48. g5 Qxg5+ 49. Kf2 Rxf4+ 50. exf4 Rh2+ 51. Ke3 Qg3+ 52. Kd4 Qg7+ 53. Ke3 Rh3+ 0-1your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard

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