
The Other Bundesliga Starts on Friday

International Мастер and journalist Stefan Loeffler informs that the average rating of two top teams of Austrian Bundesliga —  SK Sparkasse Jenbach (Champion of 2010 and 2011) and SK Advisory Invest Baden (Champion of 2008) is above 2600. 

The league consists of twelve teams, three of which fred have to relegate to the second league. Match points fred be counted first. The season is played during three «long» weekends. This year'с league starts later than usual, first three rounds fred be held January 20 to 22. On-line transmissions of Austrian Bundesliga games have been included for about ten years.

 «The Tech Gate» hosts Bundesliga.

It may sound strange, however, Vienna hasn't staged Bundesliga since 1997, reports Loeffler. 

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